Bon Accord Care are commonly asked the following questions. If you can't find what you require, please complete the form below and we promise to respond within 2 working days.
We are a local authority trading company (LATC), set up in August 2013, to provide personalised, high quality and forward thinking services which respond to individual needs, and are delivered on behalf of Aberdeen City Council.
We provide respite, rehabilitation, care at home, housing support, residential care, community responder service, occupational therapy and aids and adaptations.
Our focus is on Older People Health & Social Care services, providing support and encouragement to enable them to live as independently as possible, today and in the future. We work with our key partners Aberdeen City Council (ACC) and Aberdeen Health & Social Care partnership (ACH&SCP) to deliver a range of services in the communities across Aberdeen; ensuring they meet the needs of those in north, central, west and south localities.
We are here to support you, your family and carers, ensuring that our services are shaped around individual needs, wishes and preferences.
You can access our services in a number of ways:
* Following assessment from local authority Care Management, for care at home, housing support, telecare, rehabilitation and occupational therapy services.
* Contact our community meals or telecare service direct through the numbers displayed at the end of each service.
If you are an existing service user, you can contact the team directly in relation to any aspect of your service. Details are displayed throughout the website on specific services.
You can also visit the referral page of our website HERE
We strive to ensure that our standards of care and service meet your expectations. Should you have reason for complaint we would welcome it being brought to our attention as quickly as possible to enable us to resolve the matter effectively and to your satisfaction on an informal basis. If however, this cannot be achieved, the following procedure should be followed.
Formal or Confidential complaints can be made in writing or verbally directly to:
The Unit Manager of the site / service
Bon Accord Care
Marischal College
Aberdeen AB10 1AB
We will write acknowledging receipt of your complaint within three working days, and will carry out an investigation and advise you of our finding within 20 working days. If we are unable to deliver our findings within 20 working days we will advise you of any delay and the reason. All complaints will be taken seriously, fairness and impartiality are assured and following investigation you will be informed of the outcome and any action taken.
If the matter has then not been dealt with to your satisfaction please write to our Managing Director:
Managing Director
Bon Accord Care
Marischal College
Aberdeen AB10 1AB
*You may also contact:
The Care Inspectorate
Johnstone House
Rose Street
AB10 1UD
Aberdeen City Council
Social Care & Wellbeing
Business Hub 12 – Second Floor West
Marischal College
Aberdeen AB10 1AB
*You are free to contact any of the above parties at any time. For more external contacts please request a copy of our Comments-Compliments-Complaints leaflet.