
Care at Home - Kayleigh's Story

 Kayleigh Walker is a Manager in our Care at Home. She covers the north west of the city, from Dyce and Bucksburn to Sheddocksly and Mastrick. A seasoned care professional, Kayleigh has been working in care for twelve years. She shared what she loves about working in care.

 “I had thought about nursing but decided that I would try working in a Care Home. I loved it from day one, I can still remember my first client.”

After a while she transferred into providing care for people in their own homes has worked in leadership roles for eight years and has worked as a Care at Home Manger for six years, recently transferring to Bon Accord Care as a manager of a care at home team.

 “I believe in leading my team from the front. I am happy to roll my sleeves up and do my bit with the team if need be, and they know that I will always have their back.”

What would she say to someone thinking about joining Bon Accord Care?

“Our training gives you skills and confidence and we have a great development programme to help you progress into management if that is what you want.”

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